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2023 Recap, The Blog, Hable One, And What's To Come

2023 Recap!

              I have been seeing a lot of people creating their 2023 recap, and i thought, you know why not me to. So lets dive right in.

  2023 saw me bring my website and desires back to fruition by the development of AccessibilityOTG. This was and still is my side project, where I want to bring attention to the issues that face those with vision loss each and every day, all the while supporting the products that aim to bring independence to our lives. That being said, between my working for a Canadian not for profit, and the travel for the annual event it holds, working on a CRM platform, than making a serious change in my career / employment directions less by desire and more by necessity, I began working for my local school district as an educational assistant for a student with vision loss.

                All that to say, I failed. I failed in driving discussion about vision loss issues, I failed to truly push the products I support and am selling, most of all I failed to publish on a regular basis. For that, I am sorry. I do not know how many people view my site, nor how many people read these posts; however, to those of you who do, I thank you, but I have not held up my end of the bargain. So, lets start 2024 on a whole new level, a whole new idea, and make this thrive.


What I Expect?

                Okay, so, I want to be more active both within my professional life and within my advocacy life, and it is a great time to start. So, lets look at what I want to do, why I want to do it, and how you can help me reach these goals.



I want to publish at least one blog each and every month. There may be months where I decide to do more, there may be a month I decide to do less. Each month, will have a new topic, support a new product or even an old product or service or podcast, and there will be one month where I intend to publish one micro blog each and every day. This will be the month where I hit on random topics, and write about whatever comes to my mind. These topics may be vision loss related, they may be just a random thought designed to envoke discussion; however, each one of these micro blogs are going to be designed to invoke thought.


Hable One

Yes, I am still selling the Hable One. Yes you can still purchase it through me directluy, and yes, it is still supported. I would like to sell each of the devices that I currently have in my stock, prior to making a determination whether I need to expand the processes, whether the Amazon rout will take off as I work through this process with some truly amazing guys, and as I truly build myself up as a distributor.



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